Increased duty and fees payable by foreign buyers of residential property in NSW
As a result of changes introduced in the 2017 Budget, for agreements entered into for the purchase of residential real estate on or after 1 July 2017, the purchaser duty surcharge rate has increased from 4 per cent to 8 per cent. The surcharge is in addition to the duty payable on the purchase of residential […]

Changes to the first home owners grant scheme
The State Government has announced in the NSW State Budget that they will be making significant changes to the First Home Buyers.

Purchasing “Off the plan”
In the past few months, there has been an exponential increase in the sale of units ‘off the plan’.

Discretionary Trust
A trust is a relationship where a person (the Trustee) is under an obligation to hold property for the benefit of other persons (the Beneficiaries).

Company title
Company Title home units are found in buildings owned by companies registered under the Corporations Act.

Love thy neighbour
We often have clients instruct us to act for them in disputes with their neighbours.

First home – New home scheme – Changes to the first home buyers scheme in New South Wales from 1 January 2012
From 1 January 2012 the “First Home Plus” scheme currently in place in New South Wales will no longer apply.

NSW residential tenancy laws overhaul
Recently the NSW Residential Tenancy Law was completely restructured. These changes became effective on 31 January 2011 pursuant to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (Act).

A great time to buy property in NSW
We are being bombarded in the news with reports about housing in Australian and in particular NSW being unaffordable.

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